How can I get an automatic in my web page?

❤️ Click here: Date website last updated

I did it a little bit differently, but it is the same concept. Some themes also use content templates or template parts to display posts. Do you want to display last updated date for your posts in WordPress?

For the twentyten theme, you edit the functions. A so so cool tip!

How to Find Out When a Website was Last Updated - I always thought using code was better than adding a plugin any day. One point, the theme specific code is actually incorrect.

Do you want to display last updated date for your posts in WordPress? Some websites regularly update their posts and would like to show users when the article was last updated. In this article, we will show you how to easily display the last updated date of your posts in WordPress. When You Need Last Updated Date for Posts in WordPress? Most usually show the date when a post was last published. This is fine for most blogs and static websites. However, WordPress is also used by websites where old articles are regularly updated like ours. This last updated date and time is important information for those publications. The most common example is news websites. They often update old stories to show new developments, add corrections, or media files. If they only added the published date, then their users would miss those updates. Displaying Last Updated Date in WordPress This tutorial requires you to add code to your WordPress files. If they are, then it displays last modified date before the post content. You can add to style the appearance of the last updated date. Here is a little CSS that you can use as starting point:. Method 2: Add Last Updated Date in Theme Templates This method requires you to edit specific WordPress theme files. Many WordPress themes now use their own template tags which define how these themes show post meta data like date and time. Some themes also use content templates or template parts to display posts. Few simpler themes will use single. You will be looking for the code responsible for displaying the date and time. You may also want to see our list of. If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on and. Hi, I found your information helpful. Of course, I would like for them to pick up the latest date so it shows next to the description in the search results. Is there a way to show one or the other? A LOT to address here, I know! But if you would be so kind to consider a reply, I would appreciate it. Thanks, this was helpful for implementing last updated text on my blog. One point, the theme specific code is actually incorrect. A so so cool tip! But I have one question that when two dates shown above content then which date will be shown in google search engine result page? Please provide answer because I have done all this only for showing last update date in google search engine result page. Hi, Added the following code to functions. I want it only for post. Best Wishes Vishal Mukherjee Thank you for the code. However, there is a common problem that Google pulls the date of the embedded youtube video instead of the updated blog post date. How did you achieve this? What if I do not want it to run on the home page? I tried adding an additional condition,! That did not work as it still showed up. Is there a way to only display this on posts and not on any pages. Nothing has worked so far. Thanks for any help! I have just successfully applied the changes and my blog posts are showing last updated date. What would be your opinion? Is it better to show last updated rather than published? Thank You, Karan Wow this is new. I always thought using code was better than adding a plugin any day. Guess I was wrong — at least to a certain extent. I will say tho that you really have to watch out installing slow or badly coded plugins because they have been proven to cause security issues, which is one big reason why I tend to stay away from them as much as possible. I have a question. Assume that I have written a post in 2014-01-01. Then, a person has copied enter article on 2014-02-01 and paste it own his blog. I updated one or two line in 2014-03-01. I mean, Is Google think my article is copied article and copied article is original article? Because now date of my article is 2014-03-01 and copied article date is 2014-02-01. Your reply is highly appreciated. I did it a little bit differently, but it is the same concept. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. For the twentyten theme, you edit the functions.

How to Add the “Last Updated” Date to Divi’s Blog Post Meta Data
The results come out as: Solo Updated: 21 Febraury, 110 21:30 GMT 110??. Method 2: Add Last Updated Date in Theme Templates This method requires you to edit specific WordPress theme files. What if I do not want it to run on the home page. I updated one or two line in 2014-03-01. You may also north to see our list of. In this article, we will show you how to easily display the last updated date of your posts in WordPress. This date is more likely to be the date the page was created than the date the page was updated, but it can still give you a solo idea of the page's age. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.